January 2024 monthly meeting

Some of our members were unable to come to our January meeting due to an accident that blocked the A14.  Nevertheless, we were able to present a decent showing on the display tables, and it was pleasing to see four entries on the Novices table.  Although we had no...

November 2023 monthly meeting

Our meeting on 29-Nov-23 was our annual social evening; members brought food and drink to share. Many thanks to those who risked their plants in the cold weather to populate the display tables. John Beavan won the Novices table with his Aliceara (formerly Belleara)...

October 2023 monthly meeting

Andrew Bannister of Orchid Alchemy came to our meeting on 25-Oct-23 to give us a talk entitled ‘Tropical Orchids Without Heat’, aimed at both new and established orchid growers. In a wide-ranging presentation, he contrasted the circumstances facing orchid...

OSEA Autumn Show 22-Oct-23

The Society contributed a stand to the Orchid Society of East Anglia Autumn Show on 22-Oct-23. Thanks to Bill, Carol, Andy and David for contributing their fine plants to the display, and to Bill, David and Andy for setting it...

September 2023 monthly meeting

On 27-Sep-23 we held our first monthly meeting of the new season, and subscriptions were due. We are contributing a stand to the Orchid Society of East Anglia Autumn Show on 22-Oct-23 – can members please provide any orchids that they have in flower at the time...