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October monthly meeting

St Michael's Church Centre The Drift, Martlesham

Andy Jones will be visiting us this month to talk about 'Growing under lights'.

November monthly meeting

St Michael's Church Centre The Drift, Martlesham

Zsusa Serer of Spicesotic Plants will be visiting us again to give a talk on 'Christmas table decorations and Hungarian traditions at Christmas'. Hopefully she will also bring plants for sale. This will be our pre-Christmas social meeting - please bring a small plate of buffet-type food to share!

January monthly meeting

St Michael's Church Centre The Drift, Martlesham

In-house discussion and advice.  Your orchid growing problems solved (hopefully) by fellow Society members.  Bring any languishing or sulking plants (we all have them!) to test fellow members' expertise.

February monthly meeting

St Michael's Church Centre The Drift, Martlesham

Malcolm Moody is to visit us this month to give a talk on 'Plant nutrition'.

March monthly meeting

St Michael's Church Centre The Drift, Martlesham

Simon Tarrant will be visiting us this month to tell us about 'Orchids of Estonia'.

April monthly meeting

St Michael's Church Centre The Drift, Martlesham

Phil Gould, who helps to look after the Orchid House at Cambridge Botanic Gardens and has been growing orchids himself for 40 years, will tell us about the 'Cambridge Connection'.

May monthly meeting

St Michael's Church Centre The Drift, Martlesham

At our May meeting, we'll be showing a recorded talk by Fred Clarke on Catasetums.  This fascinating genus of orchids produces male or female flowers depending on the light level; the showy male flowers arise if you cultivate in lower light, the green but intricate female flowers if you cultivate in brighter light.

June monthly meeting and AGM

St Michael's Church Centre The Drift, Martlesham

After the AGM, there will be a slide show of orchids taken by the late Dennis Pilcher, an orchid specialist and photographer.

September monthly meeting

St Michael's Church Centre The Drift, Martlesham

Question and answer plant clinic. Bring your problem plants - we all have them! - and get advice from our experienced growers. Members' plant sale.  Bring your spare plants, propagations etc., for sale, add to your collection!  10% of sale proceeds to Suffolk Orchid Society. NB Annual subscriptions are due and remain unchanged at £10. […]

October monthly meeting

St Michael's Church Centre The Drift, Martlesham

Andrew Bannister, proprietor of Orchid Alchemy, will be visiting us on 25-Oct-23 to give a talk entitled 'Tropical Orchids Without Heat'.  No doubt he will also bring a selection of his stock for sale - I certainly hope so, as I've had seedlings from him in the past that have grown into truly magnificent plants. […]