Although slightly down on numbers this month there was another good table display. The previous winners table was won by Paul Eaton with his well flowered Coelogyne cristata Derrie Brown c.o.m./R.H.S. He says this clone flowers well for him with a min .temperature of about 10 degrees C. The novice table winner was David Kohn`s beautiful Laelia Jongheana .He grows this hanging up to keep it away from his slugs in intermediate temperatures.
We were let down by our planned speaker but Bill Halldane came to the rescue to give us a talk about his orchid hunting trip to Equador. It was organized by the O.S.G.B. and guides were supplied by Equagenera who Bill said were very knowledgeable on where to find orchids. He showed us a varied range, many of which had been attacked by some of the many insects and wild life found in the rainforest, but still manage to thrive due to the excellent growing conditions of the rainforest! My particular favourites were the sobralias, and Bill recommends if anybody is able to it is a wonderful country to visit.