On 27-Sep-23 we held our first monthly meeting of the new season, and subscriptions were due.
We are contributing a stand to the Orchid Society of East Anglia Autumn Show on 22-Oct-23 – can members please provide any orchids that they have in flower at the time (contact Carol, sossecretary at outlook dot com).
The British Orchid Council is holding a photographic competition in which each Orchid Society can enter five photographs. Would members please send their orchid photographs to Bill (soschair at outlook dot com) and we will choose the five we want to enter at our November meeting.
Orchid-related books and magazines from our late members Steve Wright and Bill Haldane were made available for any member to take.
The salver for highest scoring on the Novices Table last year was awarded to Carol Tweed.
The salver for highest scoring on the Winner’s Table last year was awarded to David Kohn.
We then had a short slide show from members who joined an OSGB visit earlier this year to the Eric Young Orchid Foundation on Jersey, followed by a clinic for members’ sickly plants.
There were no entries on the Novices Table. David Kohn won the Winner’s Table with his Rossioglossum grande.