November 2023 monthly meeting

Our meeting on 29-Nov-23 was our annual social evening; members brought food and drink to share. Many thanks to those who risked their plants in the cold weather to populate the display tables. John Beavan won the Novices table with his Aliceara (formerly Belleara)...

OSEA Autumn Show 22-Oct-23

The Society contributed a stand to the Orchid Society of East Anglia Autumn Show on 22-Oct-23. Thanks to Bill, Carol, Andy and David for contributing their fine plants to the display, and to Bill, David and Andy for setting it...

Suffolk Orchid Society Annual Show – 11 March 2023

Our annual Show on 11 March 2023 was a great success, with credit and thanks due to everyone who helped by publicising the event, bringing their plants in flower, setting up the display, admitting and caring for our visitors, providing refreshments, running the...
David Kohn – How to beat the slugs

David Kohn – How to beat the slugs

Looking at the photo of slugs on David’s lawn I can see why he had such a problem with them!!! Here is his article explaining how he beat them, also some recent photo’s showing the excellent flowers he is producing with this system. – ­­Ever since I...
Bill Haldane’s flowering plants

Bill Haldane’s flowering plants

Bill has sent these photos in because he thinks they probably won’t last until the next meeting. Hopefully they will cheer up this dreary January, particularly his Coelogyne rochussenii which has produced another wonderful display....
Table Winners November

Table Winners November

Bill’s amazing LC Blue Angel “Glove” won the winner’s display this month. Handy hints are to grow warm all year with plenty of light. It was grown in a bark mix. Bill is taking out the moss as it retains too much moisture especially in winter....