March Table Winners

The March meeting hosted Tina Loose and her husband. They completed the European orchid journey they introduced us to in a previous meeting. This time they visited Slovenia, Samos, Cyprus and Crete showing us delightful, mainly Ophrys species, all of which were...

February Table winners

In the February meeting Martin Sandford gave an excellent, informative talk about the state of native orchids in general but focussed on Suffolk orchids in particular using superb photographs and distribution maps illustrating how different species preferred certain...

Table winner January

This meeting started with cultural guidance given by a panel of Paul and the two Bill’s. We had a selection of problems about controlling pests, watering and managed to “save” a cymbidium by finding what is hopefully a flower bud! The last part of...

November Table Winners

The November social meeting was exceptionally well attended. All those present were treated to a fine talk about the 3D paper sculptures the speaker, Mr Hopper, had created as table centres for his annual magicians convention. With their novelty he was requested to...

October Table Winners

We listened to a very interesting talk by Frances Quesada Pallares about the orchids he found on the expedition to Borneo in 2015. He used his own photos on the many plants WITH flowers that he saw there. He was lucky to find so many in bloom! There were some familiar...

Welcome to the new season!

Welcome to a new orchid growing season. May we also welcome Bill Haldane who kindly offered to take up the chairmanship for the next three years! I hope that he enjoys his term of office and that nothing unexpected happens-always the worst thing. He was elected at the...