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News and pictures from our latest meetings and events

April 2024 monthly meeting

Our April 2024 meeting was the last before the Suffolk Show on 29/30 May. Could Members please bring plants to our stand in the Floral Tent by about 6pm on Tuesday 28 May, using the entrance down Bucklesham Road. Plants should be clean and well presented, and in black...

OSEA Spring Show 7-Apr-24

On Sunday 7-Apr-24, the Orchid Society of East Anglia held their Spring Show at The Costessey Centre, Longwater Lane, Norwich NR8 5AH.  Returning the favour they had shown us at our Show in March, several Society members contributed plants to put up a stand at their...

March 2024 monthly meeting

Our March 2024 meeting was honoured with a visit by Helen Milner, who gave us a talk on 'Mounted Orchids'.  Starting with a general introduction to orchids and their habits of growth, she focused on epiphytic orchids and contrasted two types - those that grow in...

Suffolk Orchid Society Annual Show 2 March 2024

Our annual Show on 2 March 2024 was an even greater success than last year's, with credit and thanks due to everyone who helped by publicising the event, bringing their plants in flower, setting up the display, admitting and caring for our visitors, providing...

February 2024 monthly meeting

Tina and Roger Loose visited us for our February 2024 meeting, to tell us about 'Orchids of Rhodes'. Tina and Roger give these talks to support 'Feedback Madagascar' (, a charity that works with some of the poorest people in...

January 2024 monthly meeting

Some of our members were unable to come to our January meeting due to an accident that blocked the A14.  Nevertheless, we were able to present a decent showing on the display tables, and it was pleasing to see four entries on the Novices table.  Although we had no...

November 2023 monthly meeting

Our meeting on 29-Nov-23 was our annual social evening; members brought food and drink to share. Many thanks to those who risked their plants in the cold weather to populate the display tables. John Beavan won the Novices table with his Aliceara (formerly Belleara)...

October 2023 monthly meeting

Andrew Bannister of Orchid Alchemy came to our meeting on 25-Oct-23 to give us a talk entitled 'Tropical Orchids Without Heat', aimed at both new and established orchid growers. In a wide-ranging presentation, he contrasted the circumstances facing orchid growers...

OSEA Autumn Show 22-Oct-23

The Society contributed a stand to the Orchid Society of East Anglia Autumn Show on 22-Oct-23. Thanks to Bill, Carol, Andy and David for contributing their fine plants to the display, and to Bill, David and Andy for setting it up.

September 2023 monthly meeting

On 27-Sep-23 we held our first monthly meeting of the new season, and subscriptions were due. We are contributing a stand to the Orchid Society of East Anglia Autumn Show on 22-Oct-23 - can members please provide any orchids that they have in flower at the time...
The Advantage of Plant Swaps!

The Advantage of Plant Swaps!

If you have been following my posts you will recognise this plant. These pictures were sent to me following Bill's e-mail to members requesting photos of their flowering plants. Paul Eaton responded and sent these. Might look familiar to the previous post of my...

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Out Now!

Out Now!

Here are photos from some of my plants that are in bloom now. The cymbidium was purchased from Homebase about 3 years ago and has 3 spikes on it this year despite it being a small plant.  It must have a species such as Cymbidium erythraeum in it hence the green spotty...

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Dendrobium speciosum

Dendrobium speciosum

Bill Haldane initially acquired this plant from a member of the Devon Orchid society some 20 years ago. it was photographed before Christmas. He was told at the time that this was one of the smaller forms of the species, although the pseudobulbs are currently some...

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Bill Haldane’s Recently Flowering Plants

Bill Haldane’s Recently Flowering Plants

Bill recently sent me photos of his plants that have recently flowered. I particularly like the magnificent Coelogyne rochussenii. This species grows in South East Asia around the Malay peninsular where it is grown into magnificent specimens that are easily grown in...

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Andy Gissing’s Recent Successes

Andy Gissing’s Recent Successes

Here are Andy Gissing's most recent pictures of his well grown plants in bloom. The cymbidium was bought as a young plant which Andy put on our display table a few years ago. It has grown really well since and has produce a greater number of flower spikes. The species...

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More from Bill Haldane

More from Bill Haldane

Epidendrum purum Epidendrum purum is from Ecuador. Bill first saw this some years ago when his group was travelling along a valley floor planted with commercialfruit trees. They all seemed to be in flower but when they got closer it could be seen that each tree was...

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Bill Gardiner’s Latest Beauties

Bill Gardiner’s Latest Beauties

Here are some of Bill's superbly grown plants. The pictures aren't bad either ! (Remember to hover over or click on the photos to see what the plants are.)  

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Andy Gissing’s Latest Beauties

Andy Gissing’s Latest Beauties

Here are pictures and information about some of Andy’s plants that are currently or have recently been in flower.    The Epidendrum medusae was purchased during the spring as a small plant and then mounted on bark which it has really taken to with roots wrapped...

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Janet’s Vandas

Janet’s Vandas

My Vandas have done amazingly well this summer. My four blue based ones have all flowered with big blue (and white) blooms. The unnamed blue one was a going cheap and had the remnants of a flower spike. It is deep purple in reality but my camera likes blue given the...

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Bill Haldane’s Latest

Bill Haldane’s Latest

I hope everyone has been enjoying the lovely summer weather! Great though it has been I am getting fed up carting water around both in the garden and the allotment. My orchids too have found it hard at times and haven't enjoyed the hot bright conditions. They look...

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